Source code for analog.main

"""Analog console entry point."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import argparse
import sys
import textwrap

import analog
from analog.utils import AnalogArgumentParser

[docs]def main(argv=None): """ analog - Log Analysis Utility. Name the logfile to analyze (positional argument) or leave it out to read from ``stdin``. This can be handy for piping in filtered logfiles (e.g. with ``grep``). Select the logfile format subcommand that suits your needs or define a custom log format using ``analog custom --pattern-regex <...> --time-format <...>``. To analyze for the logfile for specified paths, provide them via ``--path`` arguments (mutliple times). Also, monitoring specifig HTTP verbs (request methods) via ``--verb`` and specific response status codes via ``--status`` argument(s) is possible. Paths and status codes all match the start of the actual log entry values. Thus, specifying a path ``/foo`` will group all paths beginning with that value. Arguments can be listed in a file by specifying ``@argument_file.txt`` as parameter. """ parser = AnalogArgumentParser( description=textwrap.dedent(main.__doc__.replace('``', "'")), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, fromfile_prefix_chars='@') format_choices = analog.LogFormat.all_formats() output_choices = sorted(analog.Renderer.all_renderers().keys()) # --version parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version="analog {v}".format(v=analog.__version__)) # common arguments common = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) # -o / --output_format common.add_argument('-o', '--output-format', action='store', dest='output_format', default='plain', choices=output_choices, help="output format") # -p / --path common.add_argument('-p', '--path', action='append', dest='paths', default=DEFAULT_PATHS, help="paths to monitor (repeat for multiple)") # -v / --verb common.add_argument('-v', '--verb', action='append', dest='verbs', default=DEFAULT_VERBS, help="verbs to monitor (repeat for multiple)") # -s / --status common.add_argument('-s', '--status', action='append', dest='status_codes', default=DEFAULT_STATUS_CODES, help="status codes to monitor (repeat for multiple)") # -a / --max_age common.add_argument('-a', '--max-age', action='store', type=int, default=None, help="analyze logs until n minutes age") # -ps / --path_stats common.add_argument('-ps', '--path-stats', action='store_true', dest='path_stats', help="include statistics per path") # -t / --timing common.add_argument('-t', '--timing', action='store_true', help="print timing") # logfile, defaults to stdin common.add_argument('log', action='store', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default='-', help="logfile to analyze." "Defaults to stdin for piping.") # subcommands for predefined log formats format_parsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="log format", description="analyze logfiles of a certain format", metavar='FORMAT', dest='format') for format in format_choices: format_parsers.add_parser(format, parents=[common], help="{} log format".format(format)) # subcommand for custom log format custom_format = format_parsers.add_parser('custom', parents=[common], help="custom log format") # -pr / --pattern-regex custom_format.add_argument('-pr', '--pattern-regex', action='store', dest='pattern', required=True, help='regex format pattern with named groups.') # -tf / --time-format custom_format.add_argument('-tf', '--time-format', action='store', dest='time_format', required=True, help='timestamp format (strftime compatible)') try: if argv is None: # pragma: no cover argv = sys.argv args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) format_kwargs = {'format': args.format} if args.format == 'custom': format_kwargs.update({ 'pattern': args.pattern, 'time_format': args.time_format, }) # analyze logfile and generate report analog.analyze(log=args.log, paths=args.paths, verbs=args.verbs, status_codes=args.status_codes, max_age=args.max_age, path_stats=args.path_stats, timing=args.timing, output_format=args.output_format, **format_kwargs) parser.exit(0) except analog.AnalogError as exc: parser.error(str(exc)) except KeyboardInterrupt: parser.exit(1, "\nExecution cancelled.")